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Those folder things that can spread out like a fan and have a string or clasp keeping it closed. Anyway here are some of my projects.




The latest websites I've built with the newest state-of-the-art technologies


This is a website


Website for Be Sharp.

Mobile Apps

Mobile apps!

Bee Sharp

Coming soon

Smart Memo

An app made with react native that streamlines the process of creating voice memoes. Allows users to choose and create different types of audio recordings and can be used to take notes, practice speeches and singing, and more.


I make music!

Coding Projects

Codings projects... Every student has hundreds of them, yet can't show most of them because they are hidden behind a needlessly complicated build process and boatloads of deprecated or proprietary technologies. AKA the result of most CS classes.


A 2d physics sandbox based on Box2d that focuses on creating materials with realistic material properties by using spring-body masses. Allows users to spawn and manipulate rigid bodies and spring-body masses. Users can manipulate forces by dragging around objects, changing gravity, and more. Made using C++ and C.

2d Rasterizer

A rasterizer capable of rendering 2d triangles and utilizing various antialiasing methods, as well as texture mipmaps for texture mapping. Made using C++

Path Tracer

A 3d renderer capable of using path tracing at various depths to create realistic rendered scenes. Made using C++

Cloth Simulator

A 3d physics engine capable of creating cloths using masses and springs and simulating collisions with other objects. Can also utilize OpenGL to simulate various different shading modes, textures, and bump and diffuse mapping. Made using C++


Allows PacMan to optimally track down invisible ghosts using a virtual sonar. Pacman uses Bayes Nets, Hidden Markov Models and Particle Filtering to track down the ghosts. Made using Python.

A Secure File Storing System

Designed a secure file storing system that allows users to create accounts and files, share files or remove access to files, and append to files securely. Ensures confidentiality, integrity, and authenticity every step along the way by encrypting and signing various keys and file references along the way. Made with Go.


Snake game using C

Build Your Own World

The fabled BYOW that appears on every Berkeley CS's resume 💀... A 2d game where the user controls their character through randomly generated mazes to reach the exit. Worlds can be saved and loaded at will. Made with Java.